Did you see a charge from PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX? Find out what PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX charge is on your credit card or on your bank statement. Or tell us your story about the charge.
PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX Also Showing Up As
PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
PARTS 07936
A&E SERVICE 9566 8004694663 TN
Visa Check Card PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
POS PUR PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
Misc. Debit PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
POS PURCHASE PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
CHKCARD PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
PRE-AUTH PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
POS REFUND PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
PENDING PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
POS Debit PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
CHECKCARD PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
POS PURCH PARTS 07936 8004694663 TX
What Users Are Saying About This Charge
Triston February 06, 2022
This was a legitimate charge for our refrigerator’s filter. We forgot to cancel the payment after we bought a new refrigerator but they seemed really helpful returning our charges back.
Phoenix February 03, 2022
I called their number starting with 800, they couldn’t answer none of my questions. They didn’t ask for my authorization for this charge PARTS 07936 and calling them didn’t change anything. I am contacting my bank to report fraud.
Geovanni January 29, 2022
I really had to think to remember what this payment was, it is Sears Parts Direct. A charge for my refrigerator’s water filter. It is an automatic payment so it charges once in every 3 months.
Gael January 12, 2022
I haven’t enrolled in anything, this is scam!
Landon January 08, 2022
never did a transaction from parts 07936 what is this?
This was a legitimate charge for our refrigerator’s filter. We forgot to cancel the payment after we bought a new refrigerator but they seemed really helpful returning our charges back.
I called their number starting with 800, they couldn’t answer none of my questions. They didn’t ask for my authorization for this charge PARTS 07936 and calling them didn’t change anything. I am contacting my bank to report fraud.
I really had to think to remember what this payment was, it is Sears Parts Direct. A charge for my refrigerator’s water filter. It is an automatic payment so it charges once in every 3 months.
I haven’t enrolled in anything, this is scam!
never did a transaction from parts 07936 what is this?