What is AMDB-866-7906550-DE?


Did you see a charge from AMDB-866-7906550-DE? Find out what AMDB-866-7906550-DE charge is on your credit card or on your bank statement. Or tell us your story about the charge.

AMDB-866-7906550-DE Also Showing Up As

  • AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • AMDA 866-7906550 ON
  • AMDA-866-7906550-DE-19801-USA
  • AMDA-866-7906550-DE
  • AMDA 866-7906550
  • AMDA 866-7906550 USA
  • AMDB 1 866 GB
  • Visa Check Card AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • PENDING AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • Misc. Debit AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • POS PURCHASE AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • POS Debit AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • CHKCARD AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • PRE-AUTH AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • POS PUR AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • CHECKCARD AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • POS PURCH AMDB-866-7906550-DE
  • POS REFUND AMDB-866-7906550-DE

What Users Are Saying About This Charge

  • Teagan June 02, 2022

    I know what this is heheh It’s Ashley Madison, a "friendship" service. You know what it is. AMDA 866 790 6550 charge belongs to them.

  • Lyric May 31, 2022

    I called them, they asked for all the specific info, my name card name etc etc etc, I have provided them with everything. Then they came back to me saying they could not find no charge done to this credit card. Complete BS! I have never seen such a scam.

  • Wyatt May 12, 2022

    AMDA charge appears after purchases or subscriptions from some online gambling or adult dating services.

  • Heather May 02, 2022

    Who are these people? I saw an AMDA charge on my CC with the name 866 7906550 and I use no dating service whatsover. Does this mean someone has stolen my card information and they are trying to hit me with the fraud??

  • Dante April 19, 2022

    This is Ashley Madison. An app cheaters use where men are supposed to pay to enter but women can enter without payment. So funny tbh.

  • Jairo April 18, 2022

    A new method of scam? These fraudsters been charging me for a couple of months and I have never even heard about any company named AMDA DE before.

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